Some artworks by Kuba Fiedorowicz

Kuba Fiedorowicz born in 1982 based in Melbourne, Australia is an artist and writer working in the Visionary / Sacred Art field.

Kuba Fiedorowicz - Blossom of the Celestial Zion' 2011 - oil and tempera on canvas
Kuba Fiedorowicz - 'The Vine of Adam'

Kuba Fiedorowicz
Kuba Fiedorowicz
Kuba Fiedorowicz - 'Adam Kadmon' 2010 oil and tempera (mische technique) on wood
Kuba Fiedorowicz
Kuba Fiedorowicz - 'Contemplation' mische technique on wood
Kuba Fiedorowicz -  'The Wheels of Time in Motion' acrylic and tempera on wood
Kuba Fiedorowicz
Kuba Fiedorowicz -'Mystery of the Restoration' - ink and watercolour on paper 2010-11 -( based on a vision of Catherine Emmerich)
