Johanna Beatson Portraiture

Johanna is 20 years old and she have just graduated from her Foundation Degree in Creative Art Practices in Sheffield, U.K.
She is a portraiture artist working in pastel and pastel pencils on a scale of 1 metre x 1.5 metres.

Johanna Beatson at one of her expo

"... I love how stupidly small the medium is for the vastness of the paper; when I start the piece I see the tiny pastel pencils in comparison to the huge paper and it fills me with determination to make every millimetre absolutely perfect. It is like rowing a dinghy in the ocean...."

Johanna Beatson - 1 metre x 1.5 metre Pastel and Pastel Pencil

Johanna Beatson - 1 metre x 1.5 metre Pastel and Pastel Pencil

Johanna Beatson - Pastel and Pastel Pencil. 71 cm x 52 cm
I'm writing between the two paintings most intense of the artist (in my opinion). The skin texture is amazing and the water effect gives a touch of realism that makes these artworks as living photos.

Johanna Beatson - 1 Metre x 1.5 Metres Pastel and Pastel Pencil

Johanna Beatson - 1 metre x 1.5 metre Pastel pencil and watercolour

"...I love to challenge myself and push myself to see what I can do..."


Thank you for reading
